
What is the Chartered Mathematics Teacher designation?

The Chartered Mathematics Teacher (CMathTeach) designation reflects the balance between teaching skills (pedagogy) and mathematics knowledge that is necessary for a professional teacher to educate and inspire today’s students.

The CMathTeach designation can also:

  • Identify you as being at the forefront of your profession.
  • Encapsulate standards of professional excellence across mathematics teaching in the 21st century.
  • Benchmark you at the same level as a Chartered Mathematician, Chartered Scientist, Chartered Engineer, Chartered Science Teacher etc.

Who awards the CMathTeach designation?

The CMathTeach designation is incorporated within the Royal Charter of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and is awarded by the Chartered Mathematics Teacher Registration Authority. The Authority is composed of representatives from the following organisations:

IMA logo

To apply for the CMathTeach designation individuals must be a member of at least one of the above organisations and also satisfy the requirements in the following four areas:

  • Pedagogy
  • Mathematics
  • Experience
  • Continuing Professional Development

Full details of the designation requirements